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If you are suffering with sore or painful feet, legs, knees or even back pain, Custom Insoles may be able to help you.


Custom insoles are made unique to your foot shape, we capture your foot shape by posting you a foot impression kit,  which we 3d laser scan and CAD design your insoles.  The insoles will be close fitting and will present your foot in a superior anatomical position, thus preventing foot conditions like heel pain, overpronation, Plantar Fasciitis and ball of foot pain.


If you’ve had Foot orthotics in the past you may have received bulky over controlling devices that are uncomfortable and do not fit the majority of you footwear or if you’ve purchased over the counter low cost insoles that simply collapse and offer no support, then you’ll know it’s worth the investment of purchasing custom insoles to provide a lifetime of support.


Custom Insoles are different, we take great care in the design process to make sure we supply you with low bulk, long lasting Custom Insoles that will be comfortable to wear whilst supporting your body correctly. 


So if your feet hurt after a long day pounding the pavements or you’re on your feet all day at work, then you need the proper supportive help of custom insoles.


What price do you put on being able to walk, run and dance pain free??


Custom made Bespoke Insoles can also:

  • Improve comfort
  • Improve balance
  • Improve shock absorption
  • Stop Plantar Fasciitis pain
  • Stop sciatica back pain
  • Support fallen arches
  • Support high arches
  • Prevent Achilles’ tendinitis
  • Distribute weight evenly


So, we have developed a unique service allowing you to order your very own custom-made foot orthotics from the comfort of your own home, Custom Insoles have a proven track record of treating and in most cases completely curing foot and heel pain. 


It's easy to order online and we'll send you a foam impression kit with full instructions so you can capture your foot shape at home, simply return to us and we'll do the rest!


You'll receive your new Custom Insoles within 5 days and begin the road to ending your foot pain forever.

Custom Comfort Insoles

  • Made from high quality polyproylene to your foots exacting shape and size, these custom insoles will provide support and releif to your feet for years to come.

    After capturing your foot shape in the foam impression kit, we 3d laser scan then CAD design your custom insoles before accuratley CNC milling them on our high speed machining centre.

    We then add top quaility spenco material as a top cover (trusted by certified pedorthits and orthotic lab technicians for over 30 years). Spenco material remains the leading cover for shock absorption, impact reduction and overall foot comfort. Four way stretch nylon helps reduce friction and shear. Splipure Antimicrobial helps control foot odor.

    The plastic part of the custom insoles is guaranteed for 5 years aginst breakage.

Running Socks